PLEASE NOTE: This forum is for architects or architectural practitioners only.
This fall, the Community Development Commission (CDC) of the County of Los Angeles plans to release its Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing, Round 20. The NOFA contains detailed architectural design criteria that cover minimum design and construction standards, including requirements for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, sustainable building methods, and accessibility features, among others. SCANPH is hosting an architect’s forum to solicit input from architectural practitioners in the multifamily affordable housing field, which the CDC can use to inform a potential update of the agency’s NOFA design criteria.
This will be a discussion-oriented event, which will include the following topics:
• Trends in the multi-family/special needs residential industry that might impact CDC’s existing design and sustainability guidelines
• Consideration of energy and water efficiency incentives – an expanded menu for sustainability features
• Unit, room, and storage size standards
• CDC vs. TCAC requirements
• Energy Star
In advance of the forum, please review the CDC’s architectural design criteria
here, Appendix 7 (p. 282-314).
Parking and a continental breakfast will be provided on-site.