Our March 2014 Workshop: SCANPH Sustainable Design Slam! Join SCANPH and our member Promise Energy, who will facilitate an engaging, fast-paced workshop where participants form collaborative teams to design a building that will meet the new code requirements. Get Hands On! Think Outside the Box! Recharge Your Creativity! Projects submitted to TCAC for 2nd round this year will require significant increases in Energy Efficiency and Renewables. Higher efficiency targets means more complex projects, tighter budgets, and an increased emphasis on integrated design. Come learn tools and tricks you can use to succeed in this new environment. We've invited master designer Judi Schweitzer as a special guest speaker. In her role as Chief Sustainability Advisor for S+A Associates, Judi has been appointed by two Governors to the state’s Green Building Code Advisory Committee. She helped the Public Utilities Commission shape California’s Big Bold Goals for Energy Efficiency, and she’s currently working on a Zero Net Energy Multifamily Pilot Program with So-Cal Edison. The March workshop will help you make sense of the new code, and highlight best practices for collaborative design. Friday, March 7, 2014 1 PM – 4 PM
California Community Foundation 281 S. Figueroa - Palevsky Center Los Angeles, CA 90012
There will be a small fee of $20 for SCANPH members and $30 for non-SCANPH members to help cover the cover food and drinks and other workshop costs.
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing 340 E. 2nd Street, Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA. 90012
(213) 480-1249 fax (213) 480-1788
Copyright © 2017 SCANPH