Utilizing No-Cost / Low-Cost Utility Efficiency Programs to Improve Water and Energy Performance in Existing Buildings ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSED. WALK INS ACCEPTED. Tuesday, July 29 12:00 NOON to 1:30 PM Fair Oaks Renaissance Plaza Community Room 649 North Fair Oaks Avenue #203, Pasadena, CA.Non-profit housing organizations can take advantage of a number of utility funded programs to increase building efficiency, improve tenant comfort and reduce escalating operating costs. Many of these programs provide worthwhile measures that come at no cost to the user, or a minimal out of pocket expense that still keep the project cost to less than one year payback. However, sifting through the myriad of program information, forms and applications can be time consuming and confusing. This session will go over the existing efficiency programs that are most applicable to the affordable housing market and describe the features and benefits of each. Attendees will also find out how to streamline program participation to minimize time and paperwork. Some of the key programs that will be discussed include: SCG On-Demand Efficiency Program, SoCal Water Smart, SCE Multifamily Lighting program, SCG Energy Smart, and others. Presenter Bio: Gabe Ayala of the Enovative Group is a building energy efficiency specialist, having served as the primary liaison for Southern California Edison’s Retro-Commissioning (RCx) program and the Southern California Gas funded On-Demand Efficiency (ODE) program. Gabe has experience managing efficiency programs as well as managing research projects for the California Energy Commission and is dedicated to helping owners and managers of buildings improve their buildings through cost-effective retrofits. This event includes lunch. There will be a small fee of $10 for SCANPH members and $15 for non-SCANPH members.
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing 340 E. 2nd Street, Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA. 90012
(213) 480-1249 fax (213) 480-1788
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